New bee fans
After our apple harvesting excursion last year, we have now embarked on the next excursion with Die Arche Frankfurt. This time, too, the kids went out into nature, to the bee trail in Ginnheim. A real beekeeper guided us through the stations of the bee trail and explained the life in the beehive, the anatomy of the bees and why these animals are so essential for nature and humans.
It got really exciting when everyone was able to slip into a beekeeper’s suit and experience the beehives up close – some brave children even dared to take a honeycomb including loud buzzing bees in their hands. After a few minutes, fear of the little animals gave way to amazement and curiosity. To top it off, there was a sweet honey tasting of different varieties of homemade liquid gold. The exceptional experience provided very good feedback all around; a few new bee fans were certainly gained that day.
We also really enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to our next excursion with the ark!