Happy 7: Frankfurter Matcha
We have made the Frankfurt Green Sauce available for every day. The Food Lab has created a versatile condiment: 100% flavor, 100% dry, 100% FGS. This product makes happy. That’s why we simply christened it “Happy 7”.
The best recipe? Doesn’t exist.
Finally, we turn our attention to the Frankfurt Green Sauce. Already musically appreciated by Heinz Schenk.
What do you want to experiment with here? After all, every Frankfurter or Hessian makes the best of all green sauces himself and there are many recipes to match. The one “best recipe” doesn’t exist anyway and we have no intention of adding another. For us it’s more about concepts, about rethinking something familiar and showing new possibilities. What else can you do with Frankfurt Green Sauce (FGS) herbs, besides the sauce itself? What else does this unique taste go with? In order to turn it into a product that not only works fresh, we had the idea of bringing the sauce to a dry state and then processing it further: In other words, an FGS powder.
Grie Soss’ X powder = FGS Matcha
First, we make a powder of herbs. For this we buy the 7 herbs (pimpernel, parsley, cress, chives, borage, chervil, sorrel) which are already mixed in Frankfurt as green sauce herbs in a paper roll to buy. We sort the herbs thoroughly, remove sand from them and place them by type on the grids of our drying oven. We dry the herbs completely, so we can powder them afterwards. We dry the herbs gently at about 43°C to preserve the chlorophyll and thus the green color. This drying process takes 8-9 hours.
By mixing and mortaring, we get a fine powder. It only tastes like the dry herbs at first, but in order to get even more in the direction of “FGS”, we add the classic ingredients such as yoghurt, vinegar, mustard and salt, but in dried form. A little citric acid rounds off our dry sauce. Then we finely grind the powder again in a mortar. The result:
This powder is high quality, has a special flavor and represents its own culture. This is our Frankfurt Matcha: Grie Soß’ X powder = FGS Matcha. By the way, it is worthwhile to deal with the original as well. A very rich cultural history accompanies this green tea powder, which through the tea ceremony has influenced the Japanese food culture, which in turn influences the European. A great powder. What you could do with it: Smoothies, bread, cake, dressing…or you could use it as a condiment and what would fit better than potato chips. This is exactly what our first product will be with our FGS Matcha. (FGS is not to be confused with MSG, which stands for monosodium glutamate. However, both are effective flavor enhancers and matcha has umami flavor, so it goes very well together).
Outlook: Chip Chip Hurray
For our potato chips with FGS Matcha we take a predominantly firm-cooking variety (Sieglinde). We slice them with peel into thin chips and deep-fry them one by one at about 145°C in vegetable oil. The low temperature allows us to control the cooking process. Perfectly golden, we then powder them generously with the FGS Matcha. The finished FGS chips have a balanced acidity from the yogurt and vinegar, and the herbs round out the flavor super with the salty notes. A classic in a new guise. This can also introduce couch potatoes to healthy herbs.
But with our miracle powder, completely different culinary dreams could be realized. Whether FGS Matcha Latte or after Golden and Blue also a Green Milk….. We’ll keep dreaming for now and report back when our FGS Matcha is used again.