Disposable tableware
from bio raw materials

MILK MaterialLab Naturesse Pacovis


With naturesse, Pacovis produces sustainable disposable tableware and packaging that is plastic-free and 100% biodegradable. The materials processed for naturesse are based on renewable raw materials from the agricultural industry or on rapidly renewable plant-based raw materials such as bamboo. The focus is on a sensible appreciation of fossil resources – with the intention to relieve our nature. Thus, naturesse palm leaf products are also manufactured free of additional coatings and additives. By nature, they repel grease and water and are also oven resistant and food safe.

#sustainability #ecofriendly #sustainabledesign #materialdevelopment #plasticfree #pacovis #sugarcane #biobox

Product name: naturesse
Manufacturer: Pacovis
Project status: Concept // Prototype // Ready for market // Ready for series production

Source: Pacovis
Image source: Pacovis