Boox Box

A Circular Economy Box and Shipping Service – Boox Boxes were created with circular economy in mind. Due to its mono material design and no need of tape, Boox can be reshipped numerous times before being fully recycled back to a new shipping box. In preventing the use of one time use cardboard, the tough and waterproof boxes can be personally designed,[...]

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Springs and Wraps

Luxury Substitute to Bubble Wrap – RAIKU offers a low footprint packaging materials that is neither paper nor plastic-based. In comparison to conventional market competitors in plastic, paper, and carton, Raiku uses 3000 times less water, 50 times less energy and zero chemicals. They also claim to reduce deforestation by 10 times due to their efficiency in production. The springs[...]

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Vegatable Crayons 

Colourful Food Waste – Born out of the desire to create safer crayons for children, Mizuiro crayons provide a non-toix and eco-friendly alternative to traditional wax crayons. Each crayon is made with a powder blend that orignates from regional vegetables and fruit that would have been discarded. The natural scent and feel of the colourful tools lead to[...]

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Biobased Custom Mold Packaging – PaperFoam® is a unique eco-friendly packaging material composed of three simple natural and renewable ingredients: starch, fibers, and water. When combined, these components turn into a durable product that resembles paper and has a foamy texture, hence the name PaperFoam®. To meet packaging needs, the material is injected into custom molds and baked into[...]

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MPX2 Polybag

A Fully Recyclable Polybag Solution Against Mold – MPX2 Polybags offer a cost-effective solution for packaging needs, featuring integrated anti-microbial technology that prevents mold growth on surfaces. These polybags are crafted from 100% recycled LDPE material, promoting sustainability and recyclability after use. Available in various sizes and customizable configurations, MPX2 Polybags cater to diverse packaging requirements, making them ideal for garments, bags,[...]

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Challenging Plastic Nostalgia With Paper Bubbles – With PAPERbubble®, Storopack offers customers an innovative and eco-friendly alternative to traditional bubble wrap. Made from renewable paper combined with air, this protective packaging is 100% recyclable and effectively shields small to medium-sized shipments, reducing the use of primary and fossil resources. #zeroplastic #fullyrecyclcalbe #paperpackaging #sustainablepackaging #paperboard #foodpackaging Product Name: PAPERbubble®Manufacturer: Storopack Deutschland GmbH + Co.[...]

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Tasty Fruit to Vegan Leather – To bring awareness and combat food waste Fruitleather Rotterdam has given wasted mangoes a new life. With every shipment of mangoes, many are deemed unsellable due to bruising or quality control. After collecting these mangoes locally, Fruitleather Rotterdam begins their process of upcycling the lost mangoes. Through a process that converts mango fibers into[...]

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AIRplus® Bio Home Compostable

Compostable Protective Shipping Air Cushions – Air cushions crafted from Storopack’s AIRplus® Bio Home Compostable film are both partially bio-based and compostable and incorporates a portion of renewable starch. They are suited for protecting light to medium-weight products within boxes during transportation. The cushions are certified for home composting, ensuring complete degradation into natural, non-toxic resources in both private and[...]

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Friendly Worms Breaking Down Plastic Naturally – beworm is engaged in crafting a recycling method aimed at breaking down plastic waste into its raw components. By extracting plastic-degrading bacteria from their bee worms, they are focusing on breaking down polyethylene (PE), the most widely utilized plastic. The enzymes generated by these bacteria hold the promise of breaking plastics into fundamental chemicals,[...]

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The Last Box

Shipping Without the Carton – The Last Box brings to the shipping industry reusable shipping packages, eliminating the need for standard corrugated single use cardboard packaging. The Durable boxes that ship full one-way, can be seamlessly collapsed and nested for efficient reverse shipments and storage. They can be customized by dimensions, shipping label placement, color, and branding to meet[...]

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Paper Tear Tape

Recyclable Packaging Tape – Tear tape is an adhesive strip on packaging for easy opening, often made of non-recyclable plastic like polypropylene. This plastic strip poses recycling challenges when used on paper-based packaging, as it needs to be separated before recycling. To reduce the use of polymer-based tapes, tesa has developed a new tear tape solution that can[...]

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SEA Tech™ Resin

Seaweed Based Resin – SEA Tech™ resins are engineered to replace traditional plastic with regenerative, carbon-capturing seaweed-based materials. These resins resemble conventional plastic but are designed to disappear, addressing the issue of plastic waste. Beyond their Blue Carbon Straw, the company aims to expand its product portfolio to include items like utensils, cups, lids, and take-out containers. Having[...]

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