Optimize and sustainably transform packaging solutions.

Enable circuits

Das zentrale Anliegen unserer Zeit: Produkte und Verpackungen kreislauffähig zu gestalten.

Plastic reduction

Paperization: Kunststoff ersetzen, wo möglich und sinnvoll.

Packaging is the focus of a broad discussion about more sustainability in business. It plays a central, emotional role. As a design studio, we have a responsibility to advise our clients and accelerate change through our actions.

Design for Recycling

The blockbusters of packaging design trends are: Smarter plastic packaging, Paperization, Reusable packaging and new business model (D2C) as well as the young field of bio-based and biodegradable plastic packaging. These trends are in the “today” and “tomorrow” but are without a doubt the most relevant developments for all food manufacturers.

Develop attitude and set up packaging strategy

We help companies develop their own packaging strategy and translate it into short-term solutions and medium/long-term transformation. Let’s discuss your potentials together!