We deliver the taste in top-class images for your packaging.

Food Styling & Shooting

Der Klassiker – ob on Location oder im Studio, immer gepaart mit handwerklichem Können vom Food Styling Team.

Composing & Image Retouch

Die Bildbearbeitung und das Arrangement sind essenzieller Teil des Prozesses und bei uns in besten Händen.

We want to make the taste of the product tangible through the packaging. That was the case in the past and is still the case today. Accordingly, the importance of the appetizing presentation of food is also a central task in food packaging design.

The classic remains the conventional food photo shoot in the studio in collaboration with kitchen and food styling. We have access to a network of top studios in Germany and can fulfill almost every wish of our customers. The boundary in 3D/CGI is often fluid and both techniques are used in parallel.