Does a banana peel extract really smell like a banana?

We at Studio Banani are passionate about eating – exactly: bananas. Whether baked in the kitchen, frozen and mixed as Milkshake or just as a snack. What remains are the peelings, which give off a great scent when dried. So good that even Stefan Wiesner in his “Wurstwerkstatt” uses the black, dehydrated peels to cook sheep sausage in them. We therefore ask ourselves: How can we capture this variety of flavors and turn them into a new sensory experience? And does a banana peel extract really smell like a banana?

Inspired by Harold McGee’s “Nose Dive”, Stefan Wiesner’s “Wurstwerkstatt” and the knowledge of modifiers that go particularly well with the banana, we go to the Banani laboratory. Here we extract scents from banana, spearmint and sheep’s wool and preserve them in alcohol. The resulting extracts surprise and open up completely new worlds of scents.

What do you think the extracts smell like? Vanilla ice cream with cinnamon, forest or something similar to our Misomayonnaise? We look forward to your assumptions! With the first correct submission, the fragrance is sent home in a bottle. For smelling exercises, refining drinks or simply to stimulate discussion.