Flexible Recyclable Cardboard Container


Boardio is a cartonboard-based, cost-efficient packaging solution with customized low to high barrier protection. Designed for recyclability with a high percentage of renewable board, the packaging is suitable for a variety of products such as dry mixes, coffee, snacks, confectionery and more. The packaging scores with its eye-catching shape and offers the option of printing on all sides. The integrated cardboard lid is easy to reseal. Compared to plastic and metal containers, e.g. tin cans, which are delivered empty, the Boardio packaging reduces incoming goods by up to 95% by being delivered flat. This not only reduces CO2 emissions and costs due to transportation by truck, but also all associated handling and storage costs.

Product Name: Boardio
Manufacturer: AR Packaging Group
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: AR Packaging Group
Image source: AR Packaging Group