Foam from algae

Alginsulate foam

The innovative alginsulate foam, which was developed in an exchange between TU Graz and the Universidad de Magallanes in Chile, shows the natural marine inhabitant in a new light. The algae-based packaging material is not only environmentally friendly, but is also available in unlimited quantities. In addition, algae is a rapidly renewable raw material. In addition to the versatile application possibilities of algae, the packaging industry is primarily focused on the simple and cost-effective production.

#ecology #changemaker #impact #positivechange #bethechange #sustainability #materialinnovation #materialconcept

Product Name: Alginsulate foam
Manufacturer: VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH
Project status: Concept // Prototype // Ready for market // Ready for series production

Source: Peters, Sascha: Materialrevolution I. Sustainable and multifunctional materials for design and architecture, Basel 2014, p. 41.
Image source: VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH

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