Compostable packaging


As functional as normal plastic packaging, but just as compostable as an orange peel: film packaging from TIPA®. Highly transparent, durable, lightweight and moisture-resistant, yet fully printable – these are all properties that are valued in plastic and, with TIPA®, are now also available as a sustainable solution. The film packaging is food-safe and therefore ideally suited for keeping, for example, vegetables from the farm to the table optimally fresh. The company also offers compostable laminates and films – also with aeration perforations – for sealing cups and trays. TIPA® thus always has a suitable solution ready for food packaging applications.

#loveearth #compostable #sustainablepackaging #circulareconomy #reducingwaste

Product Name: TIPA®
Manufacturer: TIPA HQ
Project status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: TIPA HQ
Image source: TIPA HQ