Pavilion made from recycled beverage cartons

MILK MaterialLab Waste Vault Pavilion ETH Zuerich
MILK MaterialLab Waste Vault Pavilion ETH Zuerich

Waste Vault Pavilion

On the occasion of the IDEAS City Festival in New York in 2015, beverage cartons were cut up and pressed into plates by heat. These formed an environmentally friendly pavilion that had tremendous strength due to the plastic coating on the recycled cardboard. The recycling concept was developed and implemented by Prof. Dirk Hebel and his team from ETH Zurich in collaboration with Philippe Bock’s research group.

#upcycling #workforabetterworld #green #sustainabledesign #environmentally conscious #innovative #innovation

Product name: Waste Vault Pavilion
Manufacturer: ETH Zurich
Project status: Concept // Prototype // Ready for market // Ready for series production

Source: Peters, Sascha; Drewes, Diana: Materials in Progress. Innovations for Designers and Architects, Basel 2019, p. 62.
Image source: ETH Zurich