That we love red cabbage and milk is already known. Now let’s combine the two again in their most beautiful form. Contamination (lat. touch) blurs the boundaries between art and cuisine.

Red cabbage juice, or rather the pigment it contains, reacts to the addition of basic and acidic components by changing color. Meeting milk and creamy cream, the juice makes its way through the white landscape. The bold colors dance on the subtle background and leave their clear mark. Red cabbage and milk create their own world of colors and shapes. Red, purple, blue, green and the creamy tone of the milk play together so that the composition could be mistaken for a Pollock.
The paintings straddle a line between creating with biological material and opening up a design world in which organisms shape art. Regardless of whether the focus is on our own conscious creation or the natural creation of organisms. The compositions of organic shapes and patterns bear witness to one of the most primal impulses: leaving traces.