Food Freshness Indicator Sensor

An Ink Sensor For Reducing Food Waste – Senoptica Technologies specializes in sensor technology and analytics, utilizing optical sensors made with their patented food-safe ink to measure oxygen levels inside packaged foods. The sensors enable manufacturers and retailers with real-time data on product conditions, allowing them to predict spoilage before it occurs. By effectively monitoring the internal package environments of MAP (modified[...]

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Reusable bags for bread – WECARRY offers bakeries and supermarkets a sustainable alternative to the usual disposable packaging. The reusable bags made of 100% organic cotton can be borrowed from participating partners for a €2 deposit and returned to any partner store. Once returned, the bags are professionally cleaned and can be reused without generating any packaging waste. WECARRY[...]

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PluumoPlus Thermal & Insulation

Feather Packed Thermal Insulation – PluumoPlus feather packed packaging is the first sustainable insulation and thermal packaging solution. Feathers are made of keratin, a protein that is both chemically resistant and physically strong. Their microscopic, hollow structure makes them some of the lightest natural fibers and excellent thermal insulators. As a response to combating plastic in the cold chain[...]

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Vegatable Crayons 

Colourful Food Waste – Born out of the desire to create safer crayons for children, Mizuiro crayons provide a non-toix and eco-friendly alternative to traditional wax crayons. Each crayon is made with a powder blend that orignates from regional vegetables and fruit that would have been discarded. The natural scent and feel of the colourful tools lead to[...]

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Biobased Custom Mold Packaging – PaperFoam® is a unique eco-friendly packaging material composed of three simple natural and renewable ingredients: starch, fibers, and water. When combined, these components turn into a durable product that resembles paper and has a foamy texture, hence the name PaperFoam®. To meet packaging needs, the material is injected into custom molds and baked into[...]

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envoPAP Kraft Packaging

Eco-friendly and Sustainable Paper Packaging From Agro-Waste – envoPAP paper is a versatile packaging solution made with green energy and derives from the agricultural waste bagasse. This clean raw material, unlike recycled paper, does not need to be purified first, thus saving energy and resources. In their Kraft packaging line envoPAP offers a wide range of robust and verstatile paper packaging choices, that[...]

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Tasty Fruit to Vegan Leather – To bring awareness and combat food waste Fruitleather Rotterdam has given wasted mangoes a new life. With every shipment of mangoes, many are deemed unsellable due to bruising or quality control. After collecting these mangoes locally, Fruitleather Rotterdam begins their process of upcycling the lost mangoes. Through a process that converts mango fibers into[...]

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Friendly Worms Breaking Down Plastic Naturally – beworm is engaged in crafting a recycling method aimed at breaking down plastic waste into its raw components. By extracting plastic-degrading bacteria from their bee worms, they are focusing on breaking down polyethylene (PE), the most widely utilized plastic. The enzymes generated by these bacteria hold the promise of breaking plastics into fundamental chemicals,[...]

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CoffeeCup Paper

Graphic Paper From Disposable Cups – According to the Federal Environment Agency, 2.8 billion disposable cups are used every year in Germany alone, mostly plastic-coated paper cups that currently end up in the bin because they cannot be recycled in a proportionate and economical way. The cups are made from a composite of paper and plastic – and it is[...]

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Dissolvable Noodle Packaging

Edible Packaging Film For Pasta – Instant ramen noodles – the epitome of student food. The quick meal was also a regular fixture on the menu of Holly Grounds, who studied product design in London. Confronted with the mountains of waste and the environmental impact of the delicious snack’s packaging, however, the environmentally conscious Grounds faced an immense imbalance: In[...]

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Sargasse Project

Paper and Cardboard From Algae – Sargassum algae were originally found only in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. For several years, however, the population of the microalga has been moving southward, infesting the entire Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the west coast of Africa as an invasive species. The native marine ecosystem is negatively affected by the algae. Species[...]

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Green Banana Paper

Banana-Fiber Paper – Green Banana Paper produces sustainable vegan products from agricultural banana waste in Kosrae (Micronesia). All products are made of banana fiber paper – a naturally beautiful and strong plant-based material. The manufactory obtains the fibers from sustainably grown banana trees from local farms directly on Kosrae. In the papermaking process, the fibers fuse together[...]

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